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Are Colonics Messy or Smelly?

In a short answer, no.

Colonics aren't messy at all, like you would think.

The open system is a very clean process actually. The table in which you lie on has an inward, downward basin where the waste and water go straight down and out to the tube the runs alongside of you and straight into the sewer!

There is also a fan/vent where your bottom is and will filter any smells out so the air is actually filtered as you go.

After your colonic session you then rinse off with a sprayer hose connected to the machine and clean your bottom and will have a towel next to you to dry off so you can go about your day.

You or I will not be touching or smelling anything that comes out!

Come see me at Modern Colonics. And get the results you've been looking for!

Want to learn more?

Read more about Colon Hydrotherapy process and our clinic here. To experience the best colonic in the Kansas City area, contact us today!

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